Create Without Bounds is now Magnolia Rabbit — Please excuse the magic dust as we remodel!

About Magnolia Rabbit Design Co.

With nearly two decades of marketing experience, I help dispel the complexities of branding and websites so you can just do that magical thing you do best.

I’m here to help you get clarity around everything that makes you and your business so special (if you think there’s nothing there, trust me, there’s a freakin’ gold mine of reasons – you just need the right tools and a skilled partner to help you dig!) and how to represent that through words, visuals and overall vibe. 

In short, my process is not just a let’s-make-it-pretty quick fix (though it will be pretty) but rather more of a deep dive into who you are, why you do what you do, who it’s for, and how to make your brand and content so scroll-stoppingly relevant that those people can’t help but feel like they were destined to find you. 

So, basically, when compared to your typical brand and web services… more win-win and less yawn-snooze.

Who it's for

We love to work with

hello you!

I'm Meredith, your brand story sorceress, design divinator, marketing magician, and website wizard.

When I was working a corporate job that didn’t light me up, I moonlighted as a life coach.

This side hustle illuminated my passion for helping others to overcome their self-limiting beliefs, tap into their creativity, and transcend their current situations.

I knew I had to find a way to integrate coaching into my creative business so I could share the very tools and teachings that changed my life: to accept ourselves just as we are in this moment (because you are ENOUGH), take risks and set goals that once felt out of reach (because you are WORTHY), and most importantly to remain curious and compassionate with ourselves, others, and the world around us (because you are LOVE).

I’m so glad you’re here. Let’s make magic!

(not a real witch)
woman in black floral shirt smiling and sitting in gray chair with arms and legs crossed

our namesake

Why Magnolia Rabbit

Magnolias have long been one of my favorite trees because of their beautiful, aromatic blooms that are unapologetically large and seem to spring forth with such “hey, I’m here, like it or not!” energy that I just want to give them a big ol’ kiss.

In the eastern world, the magnolia represents nobility and purity, with many of its parts utilized in traditional folk medicine. I believe that each and every one of us is a divine goddess and our life’s work should align with our whole, most worthy, authentic self. There’s a sense of purity in stripping away our can’ts and shoulds and being brave enough to live from a place of trust, oneness, and deep authenticity.

The rabbit is a symbol of many things across cultures, but my favorites among them are creativity, compassion, intuition and new beginnings. They remind us that possibilities are all around us, and there’s no one right way to get what we desire, so long as we move through life with compassion and trust our intuition to guide us.

Let’s not forget that rabbits are also known for being abundantly fertile – what better metaphor for how capable we are of birthing amazing things out into the world!

The Quick Q&A

Morning Person or Night Owl?

Morning person. I love the energy of the early morning when very few people are awake yet and I get to set the tone for my day before the pace starts picking up around me.

Typical Weekend

A mixture of rest, play and a dash of work (only the stuff that's for *my* business though!). Saturdays I like some alone time and Sundays you can find me leading a group bike ride around Charlottesville and surrounding areas.

What Warms My Soul

My dog, your dog, anyone's dog. A glass of dry red wine from the Willamette Valley. A fireplace and a blanket. Brave, genuine people.

Odd Jobs

In addition to marketing roles, I've worked in food & bev, at a bike shop, and hiking dogs for a pet resort (and yes, that was as make-you-wanna-cry adorable as it sounds).


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