Create Without Bounds is now Magnolia Rabbit — Please excuse the magic dust as we remodel!

complete brand + website levitation

Love Potion No. 9

who it's for

You want to superpower your business, fast.

You’re a serious entrepreneur who is ready to step into a new chapter of life. You’ve been doing the work, growing like crazy, and your business is in a place where it can support you full-time… IF you value yourself and what you offer enough to give it the online presence that it deserves — one that aligns with who YOU are and attracts the right clients (the ones who totally vibe with your essence and feel totally *seen* by you. You know that you are worthy of an exquisite and authentic brand, voice and digital home and you’re confident taking a leap because you know you’re worth the investment (and yes, you 100% are).

what's included (4 to 6 week timeline)

A comprehensive package to help you put yourself out there with total confidence.

How it works

The Process

Big Picture Plan

We'll chat on a call for 2 hours to dig deep into you, your business, where you are, where you want to be, and what's getting in the way. We'll create a solid strategy to meet your goals and it's yours to keep, whether you work with me to execute it or not (your investment is applied to your package if you do!).

Get Clear on Audience & Offers

We'll deep dive into your ideal audience and figure out what makes them tick, what they desperately desire, and how you can fulfill a need for them. We'll create or update offers to suit, as well as messaging and pricing that converts.


We'll create an online inspo board of everything lights you up and talk about the kind of brand imagery and emotion that resonates with you and your audience. You'll get a new logo with submarks and icon, as well as supporting typography, colors, brand voice, messaging and photography guidance. 


We'll pull from our BPP and our audience deep dive, as well as proprietary copy worksheets to create website and marketing copy that expresses who you are, what you do, and why you're uniquely qualified to help people with it. This will help to inform the journey your website user needs to take to feel like the hero in their own life story.

User Journey

We'll create a user experience that takes your ideal client on a journey, weaving your authentic story into every touchpoint so they understand what it would be like to solve their issue and come out the victor on the other side. The outcome will be wireframes that we'll use as the blueprint for our website design.

Website Design & Build

Based on your business objectives, our strategy, copywriting and UX work, we'll design and build a website that tells a story so compelling your potential clients can't help but fall in love with the idea of working with you. 

Launch with Support

When we're ready to launch, I'll take care of all the technical stuff (rest easy!) and you'll get launch copy to use on social media and in email marketing, as well as gorgeous graphics to promote your new digital home. 


You'll get coaching throughout the whole process, but it's especially helpful when you're about to birth your "baby" out into the world! Unblock limiting beliefs, step into your worth, and leave all the techie things to me. 

Ongoing Support

After you launch, enjoy 6 weeks of email and text support for any questions or issues you may have as you navigate your new online presence.

Ready to stand out?

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